P1/P2 Work Experience Program

P1/P2 Work Experience Program Vacancy Post

The P1/P2 Work Experience Program aims to empower female learners by offering on-the-job training essential for completing their University of Technology qualifications and pursuing careers in the mining and minerals sector. Learners from Universities of Technology will have the opportunity to gain valuable work experience at Richards Bay Minerals through a structured workplace learning program, meeting the requirements for graduation.


Available P1/P2 Opportunities:

Metallurgical Engineering

Chemical Engineering (Mineral Processing)

Operations Management

Minimum Requirements:

Unemployed South African female citizen

Currently enrolled as a student at a University of Technology, eligible for P1/P2 work experience

Grade 12 with Mathematics (Pure) and Physical Science

National Driver’s License or Learner’s License

No prior Work Experience (P1/P2 or Vacation Work), whether MQA funded or company funded

P1/P2 must be a graduation requirement

Students with disabilities are strongly encouraged to apply

Application Instructions:

Please submit the following documents with your application:


Curriculum Vitae (CV)

Stamped letter from your University of Technology confirming P1/P2 requirement (minimum 12 months)

Certified copy of your Matric Certificate (dated within the last 3 months)

Certified copy of your South African Identity Document (dated within the last 3 months)

Certified copy of your Driver’s License or Learner’s License (dated within the last 3 months)

Deadline for Applications:

Applications for the 2025 P1/P2 Work Experience Program close on 06 February 2025. Apply now to secure your chance to gain valuable industry experience and kickstart your career in the mining and minerals industry!



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